Beginner's Guide to Golf: Etiquette

Welcome to week four of our Beginner's Guide to Golf blog series!

Have you noticed there are some unwritten golf etiquette rules? We are here to spell them out for you! Keep reading to find out our top unwritten rules that we have learned over the years of playing golf! 


1. Be courteous of other golfers and arrive at your tee time early.  

Showing up to the course before your tee time is a sign of respect and courtesy for all of the other players who are on the schedule that day. If you cut it close and show up a few minutes before your tee time, you are jeopardizing the schedule for the entire day! Most courses require you to check-in 15-30 minutes before your tee time. 

2. Limit phone usage on the course. 

Phone usage on the course can cause your round to be longer than it should be! In turn, this will delay the whole schedule of golf for the day. Be courteous to other players and only use your phone if it is necessary! 

3. Fore!  

This rule has been around for centuries and we would like to see it stick around! If you miss a shot and it is sent flying near someone, yell "FORE" to warn the player! 

4. Tee Box

There are lots of unspoken rules about the tee box. Here are a couple... Don't place your golf bag on the tee box. Don't talk while another player is on the tee box hitting. 

5. Evaluating your pace of play. 

We encourage you to evaluate your pace of play often. Be courteous to other players and try to finish a round of 18 holes within 4 hours. 

WLDA and Symmetra Tour Pro Alex Phillips says "golf is miserable if you’re taking more than 4 hours to get around a course. If you are struggling, pick up, or drop your next shot by your playing partner’s. You don’t have to play every shot out, just enjoy the day and try to improve every time". 

SoFlorida Professional Golfer Marisa Messana says "keep up with the group in front of you. If the group behind you is waiting frequently, either wave them to play through or pick up your pace if you are able to do so comfortably". 

6. Spend 3 minutes or less looking for lost golf balls.

We get it! Golf balls are expensive, but for the sake of other's time- only spend 3 minutes or less looking for a lost golf ball.

7. Don't throw golf clubs. 

Don't let the game get to you. Always keep your cool on the course, even if you aren't playing your best! Never throw your clubs out of anger. 

8.  Repair the ground you play on. 

Whether you hit your ball into the bunker or make a divot in the green, help repair the course! If your ball falls into the bunker, make sure to rake the sand and make it look pretty! Replace divots you have created in the grass or pack them using the seed mix on the side of your cart. 

9. Safety.

Don't play until you are sure the group in front of you is out of range. Keep your distance when others in your group are swinging, and make sure others are out of your way when you are swinging your club. 

10. Cart path only. 

Drive to a point on the cart where you are even with your ball. Then walk to your ball. If you can't tell which club you need from the cart path, take multiple clubs with you when heading to your ball! 


Do you know more unwritten rules of golf etiquette? Leave them in the comments below!  

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